Project 2: Type Specimen
To focus on typographic concepts and hierarchy while still seeing letters as forms.
Find a typeface from Adobe fonts and design a 3 page, 6x9 inch type specimen that presents the following information:
- Typeface name
- Multiple weights/widths/sizes of the typeface (as available)
- Type specs including classification (serif/sans serif etc), type designer, date released, foundry, a brief description of key typeface characteristics, where it works well and where it doesn’t (best on screen, for display only, used as body copy, etc), and where it might be seen in public
- One typeface that pairs well with it (you can find suggestions online or you can make your own). You can use this typeface on your specimen sheet.
- A six-word memoir (Write your own or find one online. Ex: “Not quite what I was planning.”)
- One randomly assigned typography term (ex: ascender, kerning, x-height). Give the definition and show an example within your composition.
- Design with only two colors (black and a color). We will print and bind the final designs in class.
The first page should act as a cover and include the typeface name and designer along with your name. The second and third page should act as a spread.
The goal of a specimen is to showcase all the aspects of the type. Use multiple sizes and weights of the typeface. Also keep in mind all of the design and typography terms and tools we have learned so far (kerning, leading, tracking, paragraph marking, paragraph alignment, et cetera). If you are setting paragraphs do not use a return to space the paragraphs out. Use the space after or before in the paragraph style option.
- 6”x9” page size
- uses a grid
- two typefaces
- cover, page 1 (typeface, designer, your name)
- specimen, pages 2–3
- two colors (black + one other)
- includes required information
- 09/20/22_#1 – first draft of spread (pages 2 and 3), printed and trimmed, uploaded to blackboard as a pdf and added to miro.
- 09/27/21_#2 – refined spread and cover page, printed and trimmed, uploaded to blackboard as a pdf and added to miro.
- 10/04/21_Final – printed and trimmed final pages, printed separations, packaged indesign file and pdf submitted on blackboard, images added to miro