Project 3: Various


You will conceptualize, plan, and design a project of your choosing.

Each project has a specific set of goals and requirements that should be accomplished. You will find and generate the content that fits the description for your chosen project.

The projects you can choose from are an Album Packaging, an Exhibition Poster, or a Travel Guide.

Album Packaging


Using type as information and as expressive imagery.


Choose an album you have listened to or create a fictional band and album. If you are creating a fictional band I would recommend using lyrics from songs that already exist even if you change the name of the song. Design a jacket (front cover, spine, and back cover), lyric sheet, sleeve, and labels for the album. The lyric sheet should be front and back on a single sheet and have the lyrics to the songs. The size of the sheet is up to you, but it should respond to the size of the album you choose. The format for the album can be a 12”, 10”, or three 7” singles. If you choose the 7” singles there should be at least 1 song on each side.

The design should try and create a conceptual connection to the artist and their music through typographic form and avoid using images. The connection should consider mood, emotion, sound, etc. If using an existing artist and album, do not use any visual material from the artist, album, or other albums. This includes colors, typefaces, logos, etc. There is a prompt on the back of the project sheet on Blackboard to help generate content.



Exhibition Poster


Using type as information and as expressive imagery.


This project is a challenge in creating a poster for an artist without using any images of the artist or of the artist’s work. Choose an artist from the list provided and create a poster that has a conceptual connection to that artist’s work. The connection should go beyond trying to mimic the visual look of the work and consider mood, emotion, material, execution, etc. The only design restriction is that images of the artist’s work, real or created, or images of the artist cannot be used in the design. There is a prompt on the back of the project sheet on Blackboard to help generate content.

The poster should include following information — title of exhibition, name of artist, dates of exhibition (November 19, 2022 to February 5, 2023), exhibition venue (Geoson Contemporary Art Museum), location (Fairfax, VA), at least three paragraphs about the artist or show (does not have to be original writing but should be relevant), your name, and fall 2022.

You will also design a companion four page pamphlet that acts as a mini catalog for the show. The pamphlet should include the same information as the poster but also include images of the artist’s work that you curated for the show.



Travel Guide


Building a consistent layout and hierarchy with type and images.


Choose a place to create a short guide book for. It should be a place you have been and that has content you can use that is available online. Design a front cover, back cover, table of contents and 14 pages of content for a total of at least 20 pages. The content can all be thematically similar such as only talking about food or locations to visit or can have different groups of content. There is a prompt on the back of the project sheet on Blackboard to help generate content.

The guide can use images that you find online but they need to be high enough quality to use and not be pixelated. The type you use should be thoughtfully chosen but not default to visual tropes that reference the place. Create and use a grid that is consistent across all the pages and include page numbers on the appropriate pages. Remember that while designing a book it is important to keep certain information consistent in design and layout while allowing other information to be more varied in layout and design.



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