This schedule maps out what we are covering in class each week and what work we are starting that day. It is very subject to change as we go along in class.
If you want to know what is due for next class, check here.
August 29 — Week 1
In our first week we will review the syllabus, get our programs set up, go through some Figma tips, and test our HTML and CSS knowledge.
- Overview
- Figma Basics
- HTML & CSS Test
- E1: A Little Backgroud
- P1: Tell a Story
- Figma: Figma Learn
- Adobe: Get Started with Adobe XD: Design.
September 5 — Week 2
The ability to create and interactive prototype of a website is an incredibly powerful tool for a designer. It is also important for designers to understand accessibility as it relates to the web. We will cover both these topics this week along with reviewing HTML basics.
- Plugins and Prototyping in Figma
- Accessibility in Web Design
- E2: Linking in Figma
Digital References
- Figma: Prototyping
- Figma: Guide to Components
- Adobe: Adobe XD Get Started: Components and Libraries.
- Adobe: Get Started with Adobe XD: Prototype.
- Interneting is Hard: Introduction
- Interneting is Hard: Basic Web Pages
- W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
- Wai-Aria 1.1 Cheat Sheet
- WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessiblity
- W3C Validator
- Contrast Checker
- Hemingway App
- Dos and Don’ts on designing for accessibility
September 12 — Week 3
We will continue exploring the possibilities of prototyping in Figma and continue reviewing HTML and CSS basics.
- Prototyping in Figma (continued)
- CSS Basics
- Classes and IDs
Digital References
- Figma: Prototyping
- Adobe: Get Started with Adobe XD: Prototype.
- Youtube: Create a Functional Hamburger Menu Navigation in Figma
- Youtube: Hamburger Menu Items as Anchors
September 19 — Week 4
A website can’t exist without links and this week we will refresh our memories of coding and styling links. We will also talk about responsive design and how responsive design is implemented in code through media queries.
- Writing and Styling Links
- Responsive Design
- Media Queries
- E4: Birthday Card
- E5: Linking Links
Digital References
- Interneting is Hard: Links and Images
- Interneting is Hard: Responsive Design
September 26 — Week 5
Continuing on the HTML and CSS path we are talking about web typography and forms this week. We are also reviewing the CSS box model.
- Web Typography
- Forms
- CSS Box Model
- E6: Form Redesign
Digital References
- Interneting is Hard: Web Typography
- Interneting is Hard: CSS Box Model
- Interneting is Hard: Forms
- Adobe: Prototype
- Adobe: Design a Sign Up Form
- Adobe: Common Use Cases for Component States
- User Inyerface
- Can’t Unsee
October 3 — Week 6
A general review on some coding and design topics covered in previous weeks.
- E7: Landing Page
- P2: For Sale
Digital References
- Interneting is Hard: Semantic HTML
- Interneting is Hard: Flexbox
- Interneting is Hard: Forms
October 10 — Week 7
No class this week. Use it as a catch up week to make sure you are all caught up on projects and exercises.
October 17 — Week 8
This week we will focus on wireframes.
- Wireframes
Digital References
- Wireframing
- Balsamiq: What are Wireframes?
- Figma: How to Wireframe
- Adobe: Everything You Need to Know About Wireframe Design and Prototypes
October 24 — Week 9
People being able to use the sites we design is an important consideration while designing. This week we will start our conversation on usability for the web.
- 7.1: Usability 1
- E9: Not So Usable
Digital References
- Steve Schoger: Little UI Details
- Interneting is Hard: Flexbox
- Flexbox Froggy
- Flexbox Defense
October 31 — Week 10
A continuation of our discussion on usability.
- 8.1: Usability 2
November 7 — Week 11
In class group meetings to review Project 2.
Digital References
November 14 — Week 12
In class workshop and critiques.
- Design Thinking Process
- E11: Design a Hat
Digital References
- Sympli: CSS Media for Printable Webpages
November 21 — Week 13
Continuing our in class workshop and critiques.
Digital Resources
- WDN Web Docs: Using CSS Animations
November 28 — Week 14
No class, Thanksgiving break.
December 5 — Week 15
Early due date and review of work.
December 12 — Week 16
Everything due.