Not sure what's due next class? Check below. The top boxes should be what is due for the next classes. The boxes below that are what was due for previous classes.
For Tuesday 11.26.2019
P5 - First draft of full video
For Thursday 11.28.2019
No Class!
For Tuesday 11.19.2019
P4 - Full sequence uploaded to Vimeo
P5 - Song chosen, storyboards or text broken up, initial concept board designs
For Thursday 11.22.2019
P5 - Refined concept boards, initial motion tests
For Tuesday 11.12.2019
P4 - Full sequence uploaded to Blackboard
For Thursday 11.14.2019
P4 - Refined sequence
For Tuesday 11.05.2019
P4 - Final concept boards, motion tests with audio
For Thursday 11.07.2019
P4 - Beginning full sequence
For Tuesday 10.29.2019 or Thursday 10.31.2019
P3 - Upload final video to Blackboard.
P4 - Storyboards, music, digital concept boards, motion tests, etc.
For Tuesday 10.22.2019 or Thursday 10.24.2019
P3 - 15 x 25.67inch poster printed and brought to your meeting. Moving poster uploaded to Vimeo.
P4 - Two concepts and a visual direction for each concept created digitally.
For Tuesday 10.15.2019
No Class
For Thursday 10.17.2019
P3 - Full moving poster. This project can be turned in today if you are ready.
P4 - Nothing.
For Tuesday 10.8.2019
P3 - Poster in motion. Could be full poster or motion tests for parts of the poster.
P4 - Book for title sequence selected
E8 - Logo animation uploaded to Vimeo
For Thursday 10.10.2019
P3 - Review poster in motion. Should be the full, almost final poster exported for viewing.
P3 - Black and white, 11x17 print from the poster showing type.
P4 - Submit a title sequence you think is interesting, well designed, etc. to Blackboard.
For Tuesday 10.1.2019
P2 - Video 4 is due and uploaded through Blackboard before class. The obstructions for the video are: Make it scary, No straight lines, Must loop seamlessly, Voice over.
P2 - All videos sequenced together with title slides for each one uploaded to Vimeo. The first title slide should have your name. The second, third, and fourth title slides should have the obstructions of each video listed on them.
P3 - Two drafts for your poster. They should be printed in black and white so we can look at them. If color is important at this time we can look at color on the screen. The dimensions of the poster are 1080x1920.
E6 - Three different text animator animations sequenced as one video and uploaded to Vimeo.
For Thursday 10.3.2019
P3 - Initial digital draft of poster and storyboard to describe intended motion.
E7 - Poster animation uploaded to Vimeo
For Tuesday 9.24.2019
P2 - Video 2 is due and uploaded through Blackboard before class. The obstructions for the video are: Only Type, 7 Self Made SFX, 5 After Effects FX, and Make it Ugly.
For Thursday 9.26.2019
P2 - Video 3 is due and uploaded through Blackboard before class. The obstructions for the video are: Must have a kitten, Must use a theme song, Plot twist, Pastel colors only
P3 - Select event for poster. Must be happening on campus (or campus related) and be after October 17th