Spring 2022 // Thursday 10:30–1:10 // AB 1023

Motion Design


This schedule maps out what we are covering in class each week and what work we are starting that day. It is very subject to change as we go along in class.

If you want to know what is due for next class, check here.

January 27 — Week 1

In our first week we will go over the framework for the class, meet each other, and make a gif.



February 3 — Week 2

Motion projects take thought and planning to execute well. This week we will cover the process of storyboarding, creating concept boards, and cover other parts of the planning process. We will also show some moving poster examples.



Digital References

February 10 — Week 3

After Effects is a complex and powerful program which we will only start to understand in this class. This week we will introduce the After Effects interface and the primary tools used creating motion.



Digital References

February 17 — Week 4

Taking our knowledge a little further we will talk about the 12 Principles of Animation and cover null objects and parenting which allow us to group pieces and animate them as a unit.



Digital References

February 24 — Week 5

The two topics covered this week are important for any motion project. Cuts and transitions allow the story to move from one scene to the next and the graph editor. The graph editor is a way for us to more precisely control motion in After Effects.



Digital References

March 3 — Week 6

We dive a little deeper into After Effects this week looking at some animation techniques and reviewing masks and mattes.

Class Lessons


Digital References

March 10 — Week 7

Our After Effects training has generally come to an end this week and we start to begin the final project. This week we will cover ideas about title sequences, kinetic type, and broadcast packages.

Class Lessons


Digital References

March 17 — Week 8

No class, Spring Break!

March 24 — Week 9

Individual meetings this week to present your final project beginnings.


March 31 — Week 10

Logo reveals can add a lot of energy to a simple logo by bringing in a bit of motion. This week we will find some examples and create our own.



Digital References

April 7 — Week 11

Come to class ready to work with your best ideas. This week you will create a video in class and we will screen them all at the end.

April 14 — Week 12

Individual meetings this week to look at your projects.


April 21 — Week 13

Group meetings to discuss your projects. For an out of class activity watch the tutorials below on expressions and complete E9.



Digital References

April 28 — Week 14

Group critique to discuss your projects.


May 5 — Week 15

The final week to review any odds and ends.

May 12 — Week 16

Final critiques.